Meditation For Boosting Energy: How It Works

Must Try

“I’m so tired; I wish I had more energy.”

“ It’s just late evening, and I am so sleepy already.”

Do such thoughts linger across your mind? Are you looking for some energizer to cope better with your day? There is a simple, natural solution which will greatly help you. It may not seem appealing when you read it, but it has the power to boost your energy levels in just few minutes. It’s meditation.

Defined as an art of doing nothing, meditation is hailed as instant energy booster and stress-buster.

Secret of meditation

Every living being in this universe has life-force energy or as we call it in Sanskrit, prana. There are four sources of this energy:

  • Food
  • Breath
  • Sleep
  • A calm, meditative state of mind or, simply put, a happy mind.

The first three sources, when taken care of, give us the required energy. How does a meditative mind be a source of energy?

We lose our energy not only by physical activities, but also by thinking and planning. It is the constant inner dialogue and the mental chattering that makes us tired as well. The practice of meditation takes us to the turiya state, a calm state, which conserves our energy.

Why meditation works

“When the mind becomes free from agitation, is calm and at peace, meditation happens. By doing meditation, you can turn your body into a powerhouse by generating an inner source of energy.”

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

  1. When the meditative state is deep, the effect of meditation continues beyond the few minutes of meditation.
  2. The body is relaxed yet the mind is alert. This gives complete rest.
  3. Meditation increases one’s intuitive ability.
  4. The oxygen consumption rate in the body goes down. Hence, physiologically one rests deeper in those few meditative moments than in the rest obtained from a six or an eight-hour sleep. However, meditation is not a substitute for sleep.
  5. Regular meditation improves health, the mind is alert, and the intellect becomes sharp. Good health and a relaxed mind naturally lead to increased enthusiasm and energy.

Learn to meditate

For a regular meditator, the space of meditation is easily experienced. It’s easy for a beginner too. Guided meditations are one of the easiest ways to start meditating. After a regular practice of guided meditations, it is recommended that you learn the mantra meditation or the Sahaj Samadhi Meditation for a deeper meditation experience. You could also choose to learn the Sahaj Samadhi Meditation directly.

Tips to get your daily dose of energy :

  • Give your well-being priority. Keep aside 20 minutes every day for meditation.
  • Exercise before you sit to meditate. This will ensure effortless meditation.
  • Become aware of your food habits and tweak your diet to ensure a healthy dietary plan.
  • Sleep for 6-8 hours every day. Meditation is a recommended rejuvenator. However, it is not a substitute for sleep.

Meditation is also often called as turiya avastha, it is a state where wakefulness and rest exist simultaneously. In Hindu philosophy, turiya (a Sanskrit word meaning fourth)  is pure consciousness and avastha means state. Turiya is the background that transcends the three common states of consciousness: waking, dreaming, and sleeping. Turiya is the state of liberation, freedom from all duality and conflict, all aversion and craving. In such a state, one can experience the infinite bliss and unconditional joy of the Self.

Inspired by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s wisdom talks

With inputs from Dr. Prema Sheshadri, Faculty, The Art of Living

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